Policies and Documents

NDIS Complaints Management Process

Our complaints management process complies with NDIS requirements. If you have a complaint or concern, you can contact us through any of the following processes.

  • Direct contact: Face-to-face
  • Email: info@rennison.com.au
  • Mobile: 0405 44 33 23
Complaints can be made anonymously to us.
All complaints will be treated with respect and seriously.
Complaints will not affect the service provided and Participants will not be negatively dealt with if a complaint is received. Complaints will be recorded and an agreed process will be implemented to resolve it.
In the event that a complaint cannot be resolved, the issue can be raised with the Commissioner.

Risk management and incident reporting process

Our Risk Management process provides for accurate identification of risks and a process to manage them to increase the safety of NDIS participants.

We conduct risk assessments to ensure that we provide a safe service and identify any risks which may cause harm to Participants, us or third parties.

In the event of an incident occurring, when have an incident management process in place which is collaborative with Participants and any other party to resolve the issue.

In the event that an incident or the after-affects cannot be resolved, the issue can be raised with the Commissioner.

Wet weather and disruption policy

Rain and extreme wet weather can increase risks for outdoor work for both our clients and us, and wet lawns do not cut well, therefore, not efficiently using the time.

In the event of wet weather which prevents us from completing scheduled or pre-arranged work, we will contact you as early as possible and discuss alternate arrangements.

If we are already at the location and the rain interrupts the work, or it appears to be a light or short burst of rain, we will wait ten minutes and continue if it is practical.

This will usually be postponing the work until the next dry day or next dry day convenient for the Participant and does not conflict with another appointment.

To support the completion of work, in particular over the Summer, we have extended our times to weekends.


MSDS documents