Wet Weather information

Bureau of Meteorology predictions

The Bureau of Meteorology has issued the following information regarding the coming months.

June to August rainfall is very likely to be above median for much of mainland Australia - chance of exceeding median is greater than 80% across most of northern Australia, southern Queensland, New South Wales, north-western Victoria, and the north-eastern half of South Australia.

Large parts of eastern Australia have a 40% to 60% chance of being in the wettest 20% of past June to August periods. This is around 2 to 3 times the normal and a likelihood of a very wet season.

How does that affect our services?

The Bureau of Meteorology has publicly advised that there are a number of conditions contributing to this year's high rainfall. We are monitoring the situation daily. We are currently (as of 16th May 2022) reviewing all scheduled work and processes with the aim of providing contingencies in the event that the Bureau of Meteorology's increased rain prediction holds true.

The total rainfall for the September 2020 - May 2021 period was 1,069 ml and produced 98 days of rain. The same period for September 2021 - May 2022 produced 2,012 ml and 117 days. This means that there is a lot more water in the ground, and additional rainfall cannot wash out to the seas easily. This additional water is what is currently creating the waterlogged gardens. However, it is our experience that after three or more days of consistent rain, it may take up to 2 days of sun to dry out most gardens. This means that some scheduled work will have to be moved to more suitable days, which we will contact you and let you know.

In some cases, we may need to prioritise work based around safety, and we ask for patience if that is the case.

We are also required to maintain safe environments, as directed by the NDIS guidelines, which we will do.

Wet weather and disruption policy

Rain and extreme wet weather can increase risks for outdoor work for both our clients and us, and wet lawns do not cut well, therefore, not efficiently using the time.

In the event of wet weather which prevents us from completing scheduled or pre-arranged work, we will contact you as early as possible and discuss alternate arrangements.

If we are already at the location and the rain interrupts the work, or it appears to be a light or short burst of rain, we will wait ten minutes and continue if it is practical.

This will usually be postponing the work until the next dry day or next dry day convenient for the Participant and does not conflict with another appointment.

To support the completion of work, in particular over the Summer, we have extended our times to weekends.